Friday 16 December 2016

How to get Pregnant with a Girl Positions

One thing that you can do if you are looking to become pregnant with a girl is to change up the position that you are having intercourse. The reason that this is helpful is because of the lifestyle of sperm.

Female sperm are larger and slower than male sperm which means that male sperm have a better chance of reaching the egg first. However, if they are given enough time, female sperm can reach the egg because they tend to live long.

For this reason, having sex in a position that doesn’t allow for deep penetration is a great way to increase your chances of becoming pregnant with a girl. When male sperm is forced to swim further, there will be a better chance that they will not live long enough to reach the egg, giving female sperm a better chance.

The missionary style is one of the best options that couples have when they are trying to conceive a girl. Spooning and having the girl on top are also both options to limit the amount of penetration that occurs.

When you are having sex, make sure that you do not allow for full penetration. Instead, try to keep sperm closer to the opening of the vagina. Doing so will help give you a better chance of conceiving a girl rather than a boy.


Many multiple Pregnancies from Soy Isoflavones

While many women attempt to take soy isoflavones in order to increase their chances of becoming pregnant with twins, there is actually no data regarding how effective that it is and if it is safe to take.

 Some experts even believe that they can actually cause infertility because of their tendency to make a woman’s cycle irregular.

However, others believe that they will work much like the popular drug Clomid because of the similarity between the ways that they both have on estrogen pathways. It is possible that taking these supplements will help you start ovulating and can increase your chances of double ovulation.

The way that they work is that the woman will take the soy isoflavones for five days before she is ready to begin trying to conceive. They will then work to block estrogen in the body so that the body will not ovulate during this time. After the five day period, she will then stop taking the supplement so that her body will see that it is time to ovulate.

When she begins ovulating, it is possible that two eggs will drop because of the control that she now has on her ovulation cycle. During this time, it is also best to track the ovulation cycle using either an ovulation predictor kit or a basal thermometer in order to make sure that ovulation is occurring while taking the supplements.


Thursday 15 December 2016

How long does it take to get pregnant with PCOS and metformin?

Since every woman is different, it is difficult to determine the amount of time that it will take before she can become pregnant when she is taking metformin for PCOS.

 Metformin is a popular drug that is used for women with PCOS because it can help regulate their menstrual cycle. It can also help start ovulation and reduce the chance that a miscarriage will occur when pregnancy does happen.

Many times, metformin is also combined with Clomid which can help increase the chances that a woman has of becoming pregnant even more. Clomid is a drug that has been designed to help make a woman ovulate and usually does so after the first three cycles.

Studies also show that taking metformin with PCOS can help improve the chances that woman has of becoming pregnant significantly. Most women are able to become pregnant within a year.

Taking metformin can create side effects and it is important that you discuss these with your doctor. One of the most common side effects is nausea, especially throughout the first cycle. While many women are unable to continue taking metformin due to the side effects, others have been able to handle the side effects and become pregnant.


How hard is it to get pregnant with irregular periods?

Having irregular periods can make it harder to become pregnant because of the effect that it can have on a woman’s ovulation cycle. While having a regular period is not required when a woman is trying to conceive, it is important that intercourse occurs during the time that a woman is trying to conceive.

Since periods usually coincide with the ovulation cycle, this can make it more difficult. The best thing that a woman can do if she is having irregular periods and trying to become pregnant is to track her ovulation cycle.

There are a couple of different methods that can be helpful in this situation. A basal thermometer can help track the temperature of a woman and help her to determine when she has ovulated.

Another option is an ovulation predictor kit that can help determine when ovulation occurs as well. The benefit in this device is that it will actually let you know before you ovulate rather than after, which is how a basal thermometer works.

For this reason, women who have irregular periods will probably benefit more from an ovulation predictor kit than a basal thermometer. While it can be harder to become pregnant with irregular periods, tracking your ovulation cycle can make it easier to determine when to have intercourse.


Tuesday 13 December 2016

How to Conceive a Baby boy Artificially

One way that a couple can conceive a baby boy is to do so through artificial means. Through this process, artificial insemination is used in an attempt to conceive a boy rather than a girl. Doctors will place sperm into the woman at a certain point in her menstrual cycle so that there is a greater chance that a boy is conceived.

While this can be rather effective, there is never a guarantee that a specific gender will be developed. It is also important to note that this is an extremely expensive process and can cost around $10,000, possibly more.

This same method can actually be followed at home without the expense as well. If you track your ovulation cycle, you can plan to have intercourse as close to your ovulation date as possible.

This helps improve the chances of a boy being conceived because male sperm swim much faster than female sperm. Having intercourse close to ovulation can help make sure that the male sperm reaches the egg before the female sperm.

While artificial insemination is a much more controlled process, it is rather expensive and many couples may choose to attempt to become pregnant with a boy on their own. Both methods are fairly effective even though guaranteeing that a boy will be conceived is impossible.


How to get Pregnant with a Large Fibroid

Fibroids make it harder for a woman to become pregnant. Typically, the larger that a fibroid is the more symptoms that a woman will have when she is trying to conceive. For this reason, women with large fibroids should talk to their doctor about a treatment plan.

Having fibroids can make it extremely difficult to become pregnant and many women have found that they are infertile because of fibroids. However, if a woman is able to become pregnant with fibroids, it is also possible that her pregnancy will be in danger because of the fibroids.

In most instances, it is best to have the fibroids removed before trying to conceive. Since fibroids tend to grow while a woman is pregnant, the fetus could be in danger during the pregnancy if a large fibroid is present.

If you are looking to avoid a surgery, there are also some natural supplements and methods that you can try to help shrink the fibroid. However, these methods usually take a while to start working so you will need to be patient. It can also be difficult for a large fibroid to shrink with these methods because of the size of the fibroid. For this reason, it is best to talk to your doctor about your different options.


Saturday 10 December 2016

How to Help my Toddler with a Fever

A fever is the body’s response to an infection that it is fighting off. Toddlers are some of the most common people to develop a fever and it is common for them to experience one several times throughout the year. When your toddler has a fever, fighting it is something that you can usually do at home.

Start by giving your child over the counter medication as order by their pediatrician. It is important that you keep track of when you give the medication to your child so that you can provide dosages properly. Next, you should give your toddler a lukewarm bath to help bring their temperature back into the normal range.

When you are giving your child a bath, avoid making the water cold. If your child becomes cold in the bath, it is possible that they will begin to shiver. Shivering can actually bring your toddler’s body temperature up instead of lowering it.

After the bath, dress your child in light clothes and avoid wrapping them in thick blankets. You can also decrease the temperature in the house or place a fan pointed towards your child. All of these are things that you can do to help your toddler when they have a fever and will help bring the fever down quickly.


How to Help my Toddler Fall Asleep

One of the best things that you can do to help your toddler fall asleep at night is to avoid feeding them large meals shortly before they go to bed. In addition to this, you should also avoid giving them caffeine before bed as well. Research shows that children sleep better if they do not have caffeine for six hours before they attempt to go to bed for the night.

After you do feed them dinner, focus on quiet activities that will not get your child over stimulated before bedtime. Activities like reading a book or coloring can be peaceful and help your child get ready for bed faster. You can also give your child a bit of a warning before it is bedtime. This can help them to prepare their mind for the process of sleep.

A routine is also very important. It is typical for a toddler bedtime routine to last between 20 and 30 minutes, but you should avoid delaying it much further. Make your child comfortable in their bed and be consistent.

If your toddler does happen to call for you after you have placed them in bed, wait for a few moments before you answer them. Doing so will help them realize that you expect them to be asleep and may give them the opportunity to soothe themselves to sleep rather than relying on you to do so instead.


Friday 9 December 2016

How to Help my Child adjust to Daycare

When your child starts going to daycare or to a new daycare, it is likely that they will need some time to adjust. Luckily, there are things that you can do to help your child adjust easier to this frightening situation.

For starters, you can begin by thinking back to your own feelings when you started school. This can help you to relate to what your child is feeling in a positive manner. You can also help ease your child into daycare by visiting the daycare in advance.

It is common for daycares to allow a visit before you begin taking your child, which is a great time to ask questions and for your child to get to know the facility. Try to get your child excited about daycare.

The night before they are going to attend, excitedly talk about the next day. Allow them to choose an outfit that they will wear for the day or something special to put in their lunch.

Finally, on the first few days that your child is attending daycare, make sure that you arrive early in order to give your child time to become comfortable with your leaving. By making them as comfortable as possible, you will be able to help them make the transition smoothly.


Natural Cradle Cap Remedy for Babies

Cradle cap is something that many babies suffer from when they are younger. It is not something that will harm your child, but it can be irritating for their skin. Since it can become fairly itchy, it is a good idea to get rid of it when you can.

The first thing that you can do to help get rid of cradle cap is to shampoo your baby’s hair on a daily basis. Make sure that you use shampoo that helps to moisturize the skin. This will help to soften the scalp so that you can gently brush away the cradle cap with a brush.

Another remedy that works well for cradle cap is baby oil. When your baby is playing in the bath, put a good deal of baby oil on their scalp and leave for several minutes. While you are getting your baby cleaned, make sure that you shampoo their scalp well in order to remove the oil from their hair. Then use a baby comb to remove the cradle cap gently.

Both of these methods will take some time to work properly. You may find that you have to repeat this for several days before the cradle cape is gone. After you are able to get rid of the cradle cap, you may also find that you must continue to keep your baby’s scalp moisturized in order to keep it from returning in the future.


Thursday 8 December 2016

Cayenne Pepper for Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds appear for a number of reasons. They can be a result of an injury or they can be caused by an illness. They can also be caused by low humidity, certain medications that you may be taking or even deficiencies in certain types of vitamins.

When a nosebleed occurs, it is not likely that serious concern is required. However, stopping the nosebleed is important. One common household cure for nosebleed is cayenne pepper. Put a small amount of cayenne pepper in a warm glass of milk and drink the mixture.

This is effective because the pepper will help to regulate the pressure of your circulatory system. Because of this, pressure will be relieved off of the area that is bleeding and it will be able to stop quickly.

Another option that you may use is to place cayenne pepper directly into the nose. Be cautious, though, because this can sting when you administer cayenne pepper in this manner.

For children, the first option is probably the best. Cayenne pepper is a fantastic product and is known for its ability to help stop both internal and external bleeding quickly. The next time that you have a nosebleed, regardless of why the nosebleed has occurred, this is a simple remedy that can help.


How to treat Children’s Dandruff

While not common, it is possible for dandruff to surface in children. It can cause a great deal of flaking of the skin as well as itching. Dandruff is also something that can be related to things like eczema and dry skin. Hair products can also build up in the hair causing dandruff.

To treat dandruff, you should take the time to massage the shampoo into your child’s scalp. You can put the majority of your focus on the specific area that has signs of flaking. After you shampoo their hair, you need to rinse it well. Otherwise, the shampoo will stay in the hair and cause even more issues than before.

When selecting your shampoo it is best to choose one that contains either salicylic acid or zinc pyrithione. These are the most common items used in dandruff shampoos and are pretty easy to find. Before you start using these types of medicated shampoos, however, it is best to talk to your child’s pediatrician.

Keep your child’s scalp healthy by avoiding the sun and keeping it covered on cold and windy days. This type of wind can cause the skin to dry out even more, which can lead to more dandruff. By keeping it covered when outdoors, you can help keep the scalp healthier.


Tuesday 6 December 2016

How to treat Style African American Children’s Hair

If you have an African American child, special care must be taken in regards to their hair. For starters, it is important that you only shampoo and condition their hair one to two times every week. If possible, it is best if you can do this every two weeks instead.

It is also best to avoid using too much heat on your child’s hair because it can cause a great amount of damage to it. However, if you do wish to use a flat iron or curling iron on your child’s hair, protect it first by adding mousse to the hair and combing it in.

You can also keep your child’s hair healthy by controlling the food that they are eating. The nutrients that you consume in your food can be transferred to your hair. Exercise is also helpful because it can help increase healthy blood flow to the hair.

One of the best styling options that you have for your child’s hair is braids. They are perfect for African American hair because they do not require products and heat from devices when the style is being created.

Moisturizing their hair is also an important process too. It is best to choose a product that is water rather than greasy and that will moisturize and soften the scalp.


Monday 5 December 2016

How to treat a Child’s Ear Infection

Treating a child’s ear infection is something that can be done at home with a few simple home remedies. For starters, most people find relief when a warm compress is applied to the ear. This can be a great way to get rid of the pain that your child is feeling.

Along with this, you can easily make some ear drops from a few items that most people find around the house. The first option is olive oil. Take a small amount of olive oil that has been warmed slightly and put a few drops in the ear. This can be repeated for several days until the infection is gone.

Another option that has helped people in the past is using garlic. By taking a clove of garlic and boiling it until it is soft, you can place it on the ear in order to draw out the infection. Keep it in place by putting a piece of gauze or a cotton ball over the clove and attach it with first aid tape. You can then change it out daily while the infection is present.

It is important that you seek medical attention if your child’s ear has drainage. Never put anything in the ear if drainage is occurring. Instead, talk to your pediatrician about proper treatment for the infection.


Saturday 3 December 2016

How to Cure Children’s Eczema

Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to completely cure eczema, but it is possible for parents to treat it so that it does not surface. To start with, you should make sure that you are only using gentle soaps and cleansers to clean your child.

Stay away from things that can aggravate eczema, like wool and polyester clothing as well as becoming overheated. Some food allergies can also trigger eczema, as can dust mites and bubble baths. You should also make sure that you are keeping your child’s skin moisturized on a daily basis too. Moisturizing two or three times each day is the best option.

When you are bathing your child, make sure that you are using lukewarm water because the additional heat of the water can further dry out the skin. Immediately following the bath, apply moisturizer. A greasy moisturizer has been shown to work the best, but there are also many options specific for eczema as well.

Many kids find that they outgrow their eczema, so it is possible that your child’s eczema will disappear as they get older. In the meantime, it is also a good idea to talk to a dermatologist in order to learn the best options to choose when there is a flare-up.


How to Cure Children’s Bad Breath

Bad breath is something that occurs frequently in children, mainly because of their lack of knowledge of the best way to brush their teeth and of oral hygiene. While bad breath can be embarrassing to children, there are ways that it can be cured.

For starters, you should always make sure that you are monitoring your child as they clean their teeth. Encourage them to brush their teeth well and that they do not skip any places in their mouth. Also, make sure that they take the time to brush their tongue and the roof of their mouth while they are brushing their teeth.

Your child should brush their teeth frequently and it is best to brush first thing in the morning, before bed and after every meal. This will help keep bad breath to a minimum and will help make sure that their teeth are staying healthy too.

Gargling with salt water has also been shown to help with bad breath. You can have your child do this on a regular basis in order to make sure that germs stay out of their mouth and that their breath stays fresh and smells great. These are the best ways to cure bad breath and children.


Friday 2 December 2016

Home Remedies for Toddler Oral Thrush

Oral thrush is an infection that occurs to the area around the mouth. However, this same infection can also appear as diaper rash in babies and toddlers as well. Most of the time, children are given anti-fungal medications to be taken for between 10 to 14 days. However, there are also some home remedies that you can choose as well.

Baking soda is something that can be used to treat oral thrush. After each feeding you should dip a cotton swab in a mixture of water and baking soda. You can then use the swab to wipe inside the child’s mouth. Make sure that you make a new mixture every day.

Vinegar is also a great way to treat oral thrush. You can also use this by applying it with a cotton swab to the inside of the toddler’s mouth. However, you should be careful when using vinegar because it can sting the inside of your toddler’s mouth.

Preventing thrush is sometimes better than trying to get rid of it when it appears. To do this, make sure that you are cleaning cups and clothing carefully when thrush is present. You can add white vinegar to the washing machine to help kill yeast that is hidden in the clothing.


Home Remedies for Toddler Gas Pain

Gas pain is uncomfortable especially when it occurs in a toddler who really doesn’t understand why they are in pain. Luckily, parents have many tools available that will allow them to treat gas pain at home without medical intervention.

When you are feeding your toddler, you should make sure that they are eating fiber rich foods regularly in order to limit the amount of gas that they have. Doing so will help make sure that the stomach doesn’t create an excess of gas.

You should also increase the amount of water that they are drinking as well as other healthy fluids. Apple juice is one of the most popular drinks for toddlers and works well to relieve gas issues in children. Milk is also another option that can help with gas pain in toddlers.

Parents should also make sure that they are limiting the amount of foods that often cause constipation. For example foods like carrots and broccoli tend to lead to constipation.

Also, foods that have a high level of sugar and fat are also known for adding to gas related problems. Not only will avoiding these foods help to improve gas pain, but it will help to keep your toddler healthier as well.


Thursday 1 December 2016

Home Remedies for Toddler Dandruff

Dandruff is something that we can all experience and is also present in children. If your toddler develops dandruff, it is likely that they are constantly scratching their scalp due to the itch. Luckily, there are things that you can do at home to help relieve dandruff and soothe the itch that they are feeling.

Tea tree oil is a fantastic product that can be added to the scalp to relieve dandruff. For best results, combine tea tree oil with olive oil or almond oil and apply the mixture to the scalp. Leave this on the scalp for around 30 minutes and then shampoo it carefully.

Baking soda is also something that can help relieve dandruff. To use this method, mix a bit of baking soda in water to make a paste. Then you can massage it into the scalp and leave for a few minutes before rinsing it away.

In addition to this, you should avoid using products on your toddler’s hair, like hair gels, because this can actually make dandruff worse. It is also best to avoid using medicated shampoos on your toddler because there are many people who are allergic to them. You should test a small patch of skin before using these types of products.


Home Remedies for Toddler Bladder Infection

A bladder infection is an issue that many people deal with on a regular basis. While it is more common for them to occur in women, it is possible for them to develop in toddlers as well.

When your toddler develops a bladder infection, the first thing that you should do is to make sure that they are drinking more water than normal. Adding additional fluids to their diet will help in two different ways.

First, it can actually help flush out the bladder and remove some of the bacteria that are located there. It can also help to dilute the urine which can help ease some of the pain.

You should also encourage your toddler to use the bathroom frequently. This can help speed up the process that the body goes through when it is attempting to remove bacteria from the body. Avoiding using the bathroom is something that can cause bacteria to stay in the bladder rather than exiting the body.

When children are in pain, it can be helpful to apply heat to the bladder area. To do this, use a heating pad directly over the bladder area of the body. Make sure that you take precautions so that your toddler does not become burned in the process.
