Thursday 1 December 2016

Home Remedies for Toddler Dandruff

Dandruff is something that we can all experience and is also present in children. If your toddler develops dandruff, it is likely that they are constantly scratching their scalp due to the itch. Luckily, there are things that you can do at home to help relieve dandruff and soothe the itch that they are feeling.

Tea tree oil is a fantastic product that can be added to the scalp to relieve dandruff. For best results, combine tea tree oil with olive oil or almond oil and apply the mixture to the scalp. Leave this on the scalp for around 30 minutes and then shampoo it carefully.

Baking soda is also something that can help relieve dandruff. To use this method, mix a bit of baking soda in water to make a paste. Then you can massage it into the scalp and leave for a few minutes before rinsing it away.

In addition to this, you should avoid using products on your toddler’s hair, like hair gels, because this can actually make dandruff worse. It is also best to avoid using medicated shampoos on your toddler because there are many people who are allergic to them. You should test a small patch of skin before using these types of products.


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