Saturday 3 December 2016

How to Cure Children’s Eczema

Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to completely cure eczema, but it is possible for parents to treat it so that it does not surface. To start with, you should make sure that you are only using gentle soaps and cleansers to clean your child.

Stay away from things that can aggravate eczema, like wool and polyester clothing as well as becoming overheated. Some food allergies can also trigger eczema, as can dust mites and bubble baths. You should also make sure that you are keeping your child’s skin moisturized on a daily basis too. Moisturizing two or three times each day is the best option.

When you are bathing your child, make sure that you are using lukewarm water because the additional heat of the water can further dry out the skin. Immediately following the bath, apply moisturizer. A greasy moisturizer has been shown to work the best, but there are also many options specific for eczema as well.

Many kids find that they outgrow their eczema, so it is possible that your child’s eczema will disappear as they get older. In the meantime, it is also a good idea to talk to a dermatologist in order to learn the best options to choose when there is a flare-up.


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