Tuesday 13 December 2016

How to get Pregnant with a Large Fibroid

Fibroids make it harder for a woman to become pregnant. Typically, the larger that a fibroid is the more symptoms that a woman will have when she is trying to conceive. For this reason, women with large fibroids should talk to their doctor about a treatment plan.

Having fibroids can make it extremely difficult to become pregnant and many women have found that they are infertile because of fibroids. However, if a woman is able to become pregnant with fibroids, it is also possible that her pregnancy will be in danger because of the fibroids.

In most instances, it is best to have the fibroids removed before trying to conceive. Since fibroids tend to grow while a woman is pregnant, the fetus could be in danger during the pregnancy if a large fibroid is present.

If you are looking to avoid a surgery, there are also some natural supplements and methods that you can try to help shrink the fibroid. However, these methods usually take a while to start working so you will need to be patient. It can also be difficult for a large fibroid to shrink with these methods because of the size of the fibroid. For this reason, it is best to talk to your doctor about your different options.

source: http://supportkids.org/getting-pregnant/how-to-get-pregnant/how-to-get-pregnant-with-a-large-fibroid

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