Friday 2 December 2016

Home Remedies for Toddler Oral Thrush

Oral thrush is an infection that occurs to the area around the mouth. However, this same infection can also appear as diaper rash in babies and toddlers as well. Most of the time, children are given anti-fungal medications to be taken for between 10 to 14 days. However, there are also some home remedies that you can choose as well.

Baking soda is something that can be used to treat oral thrush. After each feeding you should dip a cotton swab in a mixture of water and baking soda. You can then use the swab to wipe inside the child’s mouth. Make sure that you make a new mixture every day.

Vinegar is also a great way to treat oral thrush. You can also use this by applying it with a cotton swab to the inside of the toddler’s mouth. However, you should be careful when using vinegar because it can sting the inside of your toddler’s mouth.

Preventing thrush is sometimes better than trying to get rid of it when it appears. To do this, make sure that you are cleaning cups and clothing carefully when thrush is present. You can add white vinegar to the washing machine to help kill yeast that is hidden in the clothing.


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