Saturday 5 November 2016

2-Week-Old Baby

Drum roll, please — announcing baby's first growth spurt, which will likely coincide with a huge increase in appetite. 

Get ready for feeding baby early and often (and late and often!) to keep up with her hungry demands.

 In addition to pounds, she's also gaining muscle control, so her movements will become less jerky and more graceful (perhaps a future ballerina?).

 Expect more periods of quiet wakefulness (perfect for chatting with Mom) and an increasing ability to focus on objects (your face is her favorite). 

On the down side, this is generally the age when a colicky baby will start to cry (and cry and cry). Some 15 to 20 percent of newborns have inconsolable crying jags that last for hours.

 (No one's really sure what triggers colic, but potential culprits include immature digestion, reflux, milk-supply problems, and environmental factors.)

 Coping with colic is definitely tough, but keep in mind that this phase will eventually end (typically, colic peaks at six weeks and disappears by three months).

 Until then there are many strategies to help soothe a crying baby (and her tired parents) including swaddling and making sure baby is not too warm or too cold. Don't be afraid about spoiling your baby by picking her up when she cries — but don't feel guilty about letting her cry for a few minutes either. 

In other matters, your perineal area may still be quite swollen, so hold off on vigorous exercise and sex until your practitioner gives you the green light (usually around four to six weeks postpartum). Give yourself time to heal, Mom.


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