Saturday 26 November 2016

Home Remedies for Ear Infections

An ear infection occurs when the middle ear becomes infected with a virus or bacteria. Most of the time, there is fluid buildup that causes inflammation, pain and discomfort in the middle ear. While most of the time medical intervention is preferred, there are some home remedies that can be helpful for treating an ear infection.

For starters, it is best to avoid putting things into the ear while it is infected. This means that you should not put cotton swabs or any other item in the ear during this time. Not only can this damage the ear drum, but it can make the infection worse as well.

You should also make sure that you are keeping the ears clean and not putting very much pressure on them if you need to blow your nose. You should also make sure that you protect them if you happen to go swimming while you have an infection. TO do this, put some mineral oil in the ears before you go swimming.

Finally, make sure that you boost up your immune system to help speed up the healing process. To do this, you should increase the amount of vitamin c that you are consuming so that inflammation is reduced. Putting small amounts of hydrogen peroxide in the ears is also helpful for relieving symptoms.


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