Monday 28 November 2016

How to Get Rid of Motion Sickness

Many people suffer from motion sickness to a certain degree or another. While it may be mild for some, it can be quite troublesome for others. Most of the time, it is children who suffer from motion sickness, but there are also many adults that have these issues as well.

To help get rid of motion sickness, you can start by watching what you eat during the trip. Try to stick to foods that won’t upset your stomach, such as bananas, applesauce, crackers or a number of other bland foods.

You should also avoid activities that tend to aggravate motion sickness. For example, sit in the front seat of the vehicle and have your mind ready for movement. To do this, it is sometimes helpful to visualize the road in front of you.

If you are in the water, try to minimize the amount of discomfort you feel by staying in the middle of the vessel that you are riding in. This will help to eliminate as much of the rocking motion of the boat as possible. On a plane, try to sit by the window if possible that is in the middle of the plane.

There are also medications that you can take that will help you to avoid motion sickness. If you are planning a trip, it is best to plan ahead and make an attempt to avoid motion sickness rather than to fight it when it appears.


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