Monday 7 November 2016

How to get Pregnant if you have Fibroids

If you have fibroids, it can be difficult to become pregnant. In this instance, you will need to make sure that you are tracking your ovulation cycle carefully so that you can time intercourse around your ovulation cycle.

A basal thermometer is a device that makes this very simple and is easy to use. You simply take your temperature every morning before getting out of bed and not when your temperature rises slightly because this will be the point when you are ovulating. You will then have intercourse during the time that you are scheduled to ovulate. An ovulation predictor kit is also helpful during this process sand can help you to determine your ovulation schedule.

Medical procedures are also available that can help. One popular procedure is IUI where sperm is inserted into the cervix during the woman’s most fertile time. This is a fairly affordable procedure compared to the other fertility treatments that are available.

IVF is also helpful for women with fibroids. During this procedure, eggs are collected and fertilized in a lab. They are then reinserted back into the woman’s uterus where they will hopefully develop into a baby. Unfortunately, this procedure is very expensive and it sometimes takes several rounds before a pregnancy occurs.


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