Saturday 5 November 2016

9 Weeks Pregnant

The End of the Embryo Period

Would you believe your baby is only an embryo for one more week and is already developing into a fetus? She's now about one inch long, the size of a medium green olive (but no martinis, please).

 The head has straightened out and is more fully developed and the ears are continuing to grow, making baby look more human. Plus, toes are visible, and all of baby's essential organs (heart, brain, kidneys, liver and lungs) have begun to develop. Your soon-to-be-fetus is also making spontaneous movements of her arms and legs now that minuscule muscles are beginning to develop, though you won't feel your tiny dancer for at least another month or two.

Baby's Heartbeat Is Audible on Ultrasound

While it's way too early to feel anything, it's not too early to hear something (possibly). Your baby's heart is developed enough — and has grown large enough — for its beats to be heard with a Doppler, a handheld ultrasound device that amplifies the lub-dub sound the heart makes. But don't worry if your practitioner can't pick up the sound of your baby's heartbeat yet. It just means your shy gal is hiding in the corner of your uterus or has her back facing out, making it hard for the Doppler to find its target. In a few weeks, or at your next visit, that miraculous sound is certain to be audible for your listening pleasure.


Feeling So Tired!

When it comes to pregnancy symptoms, you may feel like you've already reached your limit at 9 weeks pregnant: Your clothes are getting tighter around the waist, you're busting out on top, you're still running to the bathroom 100 times a day (if it isn't to throw up, it's to pee). But wait, there's more. You're having trouble lifting your head off the pillow, you're dragging your feet all day and you can't wait to crawl into bed as soon as you arrive home at night.
Sound familiar? Extreme pregnancy fatigue is a common symptom, especially in the first trimester. And for good reason: Making a baby is hard work. Your body is working overtime preparing for motherhood as it develops the placenta, your baby's lifeline. What's more, your body's metabolism and hormone levels have increased significantly, which triggers a decrease in blood sugar and blood pressure — a recipe for fatigue. Try these tips to combat fatigue safely during pregnancy.
The good news: Relief is around the corner as your energy level increases (and morning sickness decreases) over the next few weeks, once placenta construction is completed in the second trimester. The not-so-good news: Tiredness is likely to reappear during the third trimester as the demands of toting around a larger fetus increase. But since staying active is important for your health (and your baby's!), try these tips to work out when you're tired during pregnancy.


Dealing with nausea and vomiting during pregnancyisn't easy — but it's especially hard when you're anxious to start feeding yourself and your baby well. Don't worry. As challenged as your tender first trimester appetite is right now, it's still up to the challenge of filling your baby's nutritional needs (since he's just a little bigger than a pea right now, those needs are pretty tiny, too). In the meantime, if big meals are a big turnoff, eat at least six smaller, but nutrient-packed mini-meals and snacks throughout the day. Not only will the mini-meals be easier for your queasy stomach to…um…stomach, but keeping your tummy a little bit filled is the best way to keep it from emptying out (over the toilet). Right now, focus on foods you find less offensive (even if it's crackers, crackers and more crackers), choosing a healthy option whenever your stomach doesn't protest (make those crackers whole grain and serve them up with a slice of mild cheddar). And don't forget to tap into the soothing power of ginger!


  • Are you feeling the burn — heartburn? If avoiding spicy and greasy foods isn’t helping, try antacids. They contain extra calcium, which you need during pregnancy anyway.
  • If you’re 35 or older or if you have a family history of genetic conditions, now’s the time to consider talking to your doctor about common genetic tests including NIPT (noninvasive Prenatal Testing), performed after nine weeks, and CVS (chorionic villus sampling), performed between 10 and 13 weeks.
  • Boy, are you tired! Snooze on your left side. This keeps your growing uterus from pressing on your intestines and major blood vessels, allowing better blood flow to baby.


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