Monday 21 November 2016

Can Medroxyprogesterone Help me get Pregnant?

One of the most common issues that women face when they are trying to become pregnant is issues with their ovulation cycle. It is possible for a woman to have an irregular cycle or a cycle that is not existent at all. Because of this, becoming pregnant can be a challenge.

Medroxyprogesterone is something that is prescribed to help with these issues. It is intended to help a woman become regular with her period and ovulation cycle. Many women take it even when they are not trying to become pregnant because it helps to make the period more regular and manageable.

Most women take this prescription for ten days, which will then prompt her period to occur. It is typical for her to ovulate after the period has ended, but this is not always the case. It is possible to have a period and not ovulation, unfortunately. Therefore, it is important that you track your ovulation with an ovulation predictor kit or a basal thermometer so that you will know if you are ovulating.

It may also be necessary to include a second prescription in order to help ovulation occur after Medroxyprogesterone has caused your period. Most of the time, this second prescription will be Clomid or something similar.


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