Thursday 10 November 2016

How to get Pregnant if you have had Pid

PID, also known as pelvic inflammatory disease, and it is actually an infection of a woman’s reproductive organs. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is often a complication of sexually transmitted diseases.

Many women who have suffered from PID in the past wonder if they will be able to get pregnant in the future, or if the PID will affect them for the rest of their lives. If PID is not treated quickly after it is contracted, scar tissue can develop on the reproductive organs.
Luckily, 9 out of 10 women who have had PID will be able to have healthy pregnancies. Seeing your doctor is the best option so that you can discuss what your options are. Your doctor can help you by doing different tests like an HSG test to see whether or not your tubes are blocked.

If you have had PID in the past, and wish to get pregnant, be aware that your risk of ectopic pregnancy is higher after you have had PID in the past. Keep your doctor in the loop on your plans and wishes so that you can be closely monitored on your journey.
Getting pregnant after Pelvic Inflammatory Disease might be a bit more difficult, but it is by no means impossible. It just might take a bit more planning.


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