Wednesday 23 November 2016

Can Laparoscopy help me get Pregnant?

A laparoscopy is a procedure that is used to look at the abdominal and pelvic organs in a woman’s body. The most common reason that this procedure is utilized is due infertility. When women are struggling to become pregnant, it is sometimes helpful to have a laparoscopy completed in order to determine the cause of the infertility.

This procedure is extremely beneficial because it can allow doctors to examine the ovaries, fallopian tubes and the uterus. Having visual access to these organs can help determine the cause of infertility and will allow doctors to determine a treatment course if one is necessary.

In the past, this procedure could only be completed in a hospital setting, but it can now be administered at a doctor’s office as well. This has helped to make them more affordable so that doctors can use them on a more regular basis.

However, it is important that you discuss the risks with your doctor because there is a chance that some of the organs could become damaged during this procedure. Although this chance if fairly small, it is a good idea to understand how the procedure is completed and what risks are involved with it.


1 comment:

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