Monday 21 November 2016

Can Amoxicillin help me get Pregnant?

One of the main concerns that women have when they are taking amoxicillin is that they will be at a greater chance of becoming pregnant. While women have become pregnant while taking this drug, it is not likely to increase a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant on its own.

Instead, amoxicillin has been shown to cause birth control to not be as effective as it would have been before taking the drug. For this reason, it is always suggested that a woman use an alternate type of birth control when she is also taking amoxicillin.

If you are looking to become pregnant, it may be tempting to attempt to take amoxicillin to increase your chances. However, there is no research behind the drug to show that it can actually help you to become pregnant.

Also, it is something that must be prescribed by a doctor and is only given when an infection is present. For this reason, it will be very difficult for someone to have a prescription of amoxicillin if they do not have an infection. It is also unwise to take another person’s amoxicillin unless you are under the care of a doctor. Many people are allergic to it and will have many negative effects from it.


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